Desert Suzuki Institute, Las Vegas NV

July 26-30. Sasha teaches flute repertoire, masterclass and flute explorers at the new Desert Suzuki Institute in Las Vegas, NV. Highlights include the Book 1 Flute Explorer class (ages 6-10) performing Victor Fortin’s Flute and Dolphin duet using headjoint and extended techniques, a joint final concert of Suzuki Flute and 15+ Piano students in monster piano concert formation of Suzuki Flute and Piano Book 1 and 2 selections!


The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Santa Fe presents Has Krasa’s children’s opera Brundibar, arranged for Flute, Cello, Clarinet and Piano by Jim Preus and directed by Marilyn Barnes. Starring the fab Tim Wilson as Brundibar.

Suzuki Association of the Americas 14th Conference

May 27-31
Sasha conducts the SAA Flute Choir ages 9-18 in performances of Phil Baxter’s Piccolo Pete, Dawn Carol by Margaret Lowe and Walk Like This! (a piece using extended techniques) by Ian Clarke. Also on the program Ashokan Farewell by Ungar.

I also presented on my new website: an annotated bibliography of supplemental materials for the Suzuki flute method, graded according to student book level and ability.